ESP32 Web Server, Web Sockets And HTTP API Calls

ESP Web Server

In this post, I’ll show you how to make API requests from the ESP32 or ESP8266, how to set up a web server on the ESP and use AJAX to send/receive data and how to establish a web socket connection for bi-directional data streaming. These examples can be used as basic starting templates for projects.

ESP32/8266 Over The Air Updates (OTA)


In this post, I’ll show you how to do OTA(over the air updates) to your ESP32/ESP8266. This means that you don’t have to connect your ESP board to your PC by cable and can instead push firmware updates wirelessly over the network(as long as you are connected to the same network). The process of uploading the firmware remains almost the same. The only difference is you have to select a network port under Tools -> Port -> Network Ports instead of a COM port.

ESP32 WiFi Camera

ESP32 Web Camera

In this post, I’ll show you how to program the ESP32 Camera board to live stream the video feed to your browser.

C# Local Functions

Code Snippets Local Functions

In this code snippet, we’ll take a look at local functions in C#.Local functions can be declared and used only within another function. This can be useful for organizing your code. For example, if a function gets too long, you would usually break it up into smaller ones, which will fragment your code. This is the perfect case for using local functions to logically group/contain these smaller functions within the parent function.

Calling The Command Line In C# With CliWrap

Calling The Command Line In C# With CliWrap

In this code snippet, we will learn how to call the command line in C#. We will be using a Nuget package called CliWrap which makes it easier compared to using the System.Diagnostics.Process class. But I will also show you how to use the Process class if you don’t want extra dependencies in your project. And it’s still a useful class as it can be used to run any executable (.exe file) from your C# code.

Fullstack Serverless Blazor App With Azure Functions

Fullstack Serverless Blazor App With Azure Functions 2

In this post, I will show you how to create a Blazor C# WebAssembly app with a serverless backend utilizing Azure Functions. The data will be persisted to Azure Tables, Blobs and Files Shares in the Azure Storage Account which will also be used to host the backend functions and frontend as a static web page. Finally, we’ll make a CI/CD pipeline to deploy our app.

Using WebSockets In C#

Code Snippets Using WebSockets In C#

In this code snippet, we will learn how to use WebSockets in C#. WebSockets allow you to establish a bi-directional(full-duplex) communication channel over HTTP between two devices. This type of connection is long-lived and suitable for real-time data such as video streams, commands or inputs for a multiplayer video game.

Azure Function Durable Functions

Azure Functions Durable Functions

In this code snippet, we will look at Durable Azure Functions. Azure functions are stateless by default. But we can add state by using the Durable Functions extension. This allows you to implement common patterns such as Function chaining, Fan-out/fan-in, Async HTTP APIs, Monitoring, Human interaction, Aggregator.

Working With Streams In C#

Code Snippets Working With Streams In C#

In this code snippet, we will learn about streams in C#. Streams provide a generic view of a sequence of bytes. The Stream class is an abstract class that defines all the necessary things for any inheriting stream to implement such as Read(), Write(), Seek() and Flush() methods.

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