MAX II CPLD USB Blaster Connection

MAX II CPLD Basic Getting Started Tutorial

This tutorial will cover the hardware and software setup for the MAX II CPLD. We will also make a simple design to upload to the CPLD. This little dev board can be picked up on eBay or Aliexpress for around 10 bucks(including the USB blaster). It’s cheap, easy and simple compared to some of the other FPGA dev boards. Despite that, I didn’t find a lot of tutorials and projects(compared to the Arduino stuff) with this board so I thought I’d make a tutorial.

C# Code Snippets Preprocessor Directives

C# Preprocessor Directives

In this code snippet, we will take a look at data types in C#. Preprocessor directives are statements that get executed before compilation. They are designated by the # sign. Preprocessor directives can, for example, be useful when debugging code. Suppose we can make an if statement that checks whether the program is in debug mode. If so we would enable some diagnostic output otherwise we wouldn’t.

C# Code Snippets GUID


In this code snippet, we will take a look at GUIDs in C#. A GUID or a Globally Unique Identifier(also known as a Universally unique identifier )  is an alphanumeric sequence of character that make up a completely unique identifier(at least in theory). One place a GUID can be used is with databases to serve as a unique ID.

C# Code Snippets Constructor Chaining

C# Constructor Chaining

In this code snippet, we learn how to chain constructors in C#. Constructors are methods meaning you can overload them. Overloading can lead to code duplication. We can use chaining to get rid of the code duplication. Instead of implementing duplicate code in the overloaded method we can just call the previous method. This process is called chaining.

C# Code Snippets Overloaded Methods

C# Overloaded Methods

In this code snippet, we will learn how to overload methods in C#. Method overloading is when you make more than one method with the same name. The other method/methods must, however, have a different signature(different input parameters) so the compiler can differentiate between the versions. 

C# Code Snippets Operators

C# Operators

In this code snippet, we will take a look at all the operators present in C#. An operator is a symbol or a set of symbols that represent a specific function that will be preformed on the operands(our values or variables). There are multiple types of operators: arithmetic, logical, comparison … In this post, we will take a look at some of the most basic ones. Here is a complete list of all the operators and their functionalities. 

C# Code Snippets Constructors And Destructors

C# Constructors And Destructors

In this code snippet, we’ll learn about constructors in C#. A constructor is a method that gets called when a class is initialized. We can pass arguments into the constructor method and then use them inside the method to initialize the properties of the class. A class can have multiple constructors as they are methods and can thus be overloaded.

C# Code Snippets Variables

C# Variables

In this code snippet, we will learn how to use variables in C#. A variable is a container(aka a place in memory) that holds a value. The value can be any of the many data types in C#. To make a variable you must first declare its data type followed by the name you will use to reference that particular variable. Then you can assign it a value using the = assignment operator.

C# Code Snippets Data Type Conversion

C# Data Type Conversion

In this code snippet, we will learn how to perform data type conversions in C#. C# has many different data types. You might find yourself needing to convert from one data type to another. This can be done implicitly by just assigning the value of one variable to another and the conversion will happen automatically. For example, assigning a short to int can be done implicitly as short is just a smaller int. Meanwhile converting a string to an int has to be done explicitly. 

C# Code Snippets Data Types

C# Data Types

In this code snippet, we will take a look at data types in C#. Data types are used to define the type of data a variable can hold. For example, to store whole numbers you can use int, string for text, char for a single character, double for numeric values with decimal points … Data types also differ in size, byte can hold values from 0 to 255, short can hold values from -32,768 to 32,767, int can hold values from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, … 

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