Attiny 85 Digispark Board

In this post, I’ll show you how to use and program the Attiny 85 Digispark board with the Arduino IDE. I’ll demonstrate how to add the board to the Arduino IDE and how to install the drivers. Finally, we’ll make an example sketch that simply blinks an LED.


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Disclosure: If you buy any of the products listed here through the provided links I may earn a commission for the sales. Here you’ll find products or services I have bought, used, or owned at …

DIY Spot Welder

DIY spot welder

In this post, I will show the spot welder I made. A spot welder is a very useful tool that can weld two pieces of metal by simply pressing them together and passing a high current through that small point. This causes that particular spot where the metals are pressed together to heat up sufficiently to melt and fuse them together.

DIY SMD Vacuum Pickup Tool

DIY SMD Vacuum Pickup Tool 2

In this post, I’ll show my DIY SMD vacuum pickup tool. I bought this vacuum pump SMD pickup but it had no way to be turned on/off. There is only a hole on the vacuum “pen” that you can cover with your finger to make or release the vacuum. I decided I would mod it and make it operable with a footswitch. When pressed the vacuum pump is turned on and when you let go the vacuum pump is turned off while the valve is opened at the same time to release the vacuum and instantly drop the SMD part from the nozzle.

DIY Solder Paste Dispenser

diy solder paste dispenser

In this post, I’ll show my DIY solder paste dispenser. It’s powered by a 12V adapter and can be operated by a footswitch(connected via banana connectors). It uses a small membrane air pump/compressor to dispense the solder paste/flux. Additionally, there is a solenoid air valve connected to the airline so the pressure can be released after you let go of the footswitch which prevents the solder paste or flux from oozing out. The pump and valve timing is controlled through a relay module by an attiny45 microcontroller.

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