C# Covariance And Contravariance

C# Code Snippets Covariance And Contravariance


In this code snippet, we’ll take a look at covariance and contravariance in C#.

Covariance and contravariance enable implicit type conversion for arraysdelegates and generic interface type arguments.

Covariance allows for a more derived type to be used where a less derived type is expected. This can be done implicitly because a more derived type contains all the members of a less derived type.

Contravariance allows for a less derived type to be used where a more derived type is expected. This can be done because a less derived type will have all the members the more derived type has.

Let’s have a look at the code below to see an example of covariance and contravariance.


namespace CovarianceContravariance
    internal class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //To quote https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/concepts/covariance-contravariance/
            //"In C#, covariance and contravariance enable implicit reference conversion for array types, delegate types, and generic type arguments.
            //Covariance preserves assignment compatibility and contravariance reverses it."

            //Covariance is when a more derived type is assigned to a less derived one.
            Action<string> funcMyMethodString = MyMethod;
            Action<string> funcMyMethodObject = funcMyMethodString;

            //Contravariance is when a less derived type is assigned to a more derived one.
            Action<object> funcMyOtherMethod = MyOtherMethod;
            Action<string> funcMyOtherMethodString = funcMyOtherMethod;

        static void MyOtherMethod(object input) 
            //Do something...

        static void MyMethod(string input)
            //Do something...

        //Generic type parameters in interfaces can be covariant(out keyword) or contravariant(in keyword).
        //Covariant interface methods can have a more derived return type than defined by the generic type parameters.
        //Contravariant interface methods can have less derived input parameter types than those defined by the generic parameters.
        interface MyCovariantInterface<out T>
            //Methods can return type of T.
            T MyMethod();
            //Methods can't take type of T as an input parameter. 
            //void MyOtherMethod(T input); //Throws error if uncommented.

        interface MYContravariantInterface<in T>
            //Methods can take type of T as an input parameter.
            void MyMethod(T input);
            void DoSomething<U>() where U : T; //Type constraints can be specified if desired. I briefly covered constraints in this post: https://eecs.blog/c-generics/
            //Methods can't return type of T.
            //T MyOtherMethod(); //Throws error if uncommented.

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