Code Snippets Local Functions

C# Local Functions

In this code snippet, we’ll take a look at local functions in C#.Local functions can be declared and used only within another function. This can be useful for organizing your code. For example, if a function gets too long, you would usually break it up into smaller ones, which will fragment your code. This is the perfect case for using local functions to logically group/contain these smaller functions within the parent function.

Calling The Command Line In C# With CliWrap

Calling The Command Line In C# With CliWrap

In this code snippet, we will learn how to call the command line in C#. We will be using a Nuget package called CliWrap which makes it easier compared to using the System.Diagnostics.Process class. But I will also show you how to use the Process class if you don’t want extra dependencies in your project. And it’s still a useful class as it can be used to run any executable (.exe file) from your C# code.

Code Snippets Using WebSockets In C#

Using WebSockets In C#

In this code snippet, we will learn how to use WebSockets in C#. WebSockets allow you to establish a bi-directional(full-duplex) communication channel over HTTP between two devices. This type of connection is long-lived and suitable for real-time data such as video streams, commands or inputs for a multiplayer video game.

Code Snippets Working With Streams In C#

Working With Streams In C#

In this code snippet, we will learn about streams in C#. Streams provide a generic view of a sequence of bytes. The Stream class is an abstract class that defines all the necessary things for any inheriting stream to implement such as Read(), Write(), Seek() and Flush() methods.

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