In this code snippet, we will take a look at variable scope and code blocks in C#.
A code block is the space between two { }. Variables can be considered out of or in scope depending on whether they are accessible or not from a particular code block.
Let’s just have a look at the code below.
using System; namespace scope { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) {//start of code block //A set of { } makes a code block. //You can nest a code block inside another code block. //Variable a is accessible from everywhere inside this code block(but not outside of it) //including any other nested code block inside this code block. int a = 5; if (true) { //start of code block 1 //Variable b is accessible from everywhere inside code block 1(but not outside of it). //Including any other nested code block inside code block 1. int b = 9; if (true) { //start of code block 2 //And so on ... for very further nested code block ... int c = 4; if (true) { //start of code block 3 int d = 14; //As you can see a is in scope here. a = d; } //end of code block 3 } //end of code block 2 } //end of code block 1 //But d is outside of scope here and we get an error. d = 15; Console.ReadLine(); }//end of code block } //Another scope example with a class. class MyClass { //MyClassVariable is only available in this class and to other members of this class. int MyClassVariable = 10; void MyMethod() { //Only available inside this method. int MyMethodVariable = 10; Console.WriteLine(MyMethodVariable); Console.WriteLine(MyClassVariable); } void MySecondMethod() { //MyMethodVariable is not available in MySecondMethod. Console.WriteLine(MyMethodVariable); Console.WriteLine(MyClassVariable); } //NOTE: //The members of this class can be set to be accessible/inaccessible from outside of this class. //This can be done by changing the access modifiers private/public/protected. //See my post on access modifiers for more information on the topic. } }