Code Snippets Web Workers

Javascript Web Workers

In this code snippet, we’ll look at web workers in Javascript. A web worker is a script that can run in the background separate from the main page javascript. This can be used to prevent blocking code. It could be considered like “multithreading” in javascript … kind of.

Code Snippets Fetch

Javascript Fetch

In this code snippet, we’ll learn how to make HTTP requests with fetch in Javascript. The first example will demonstrate how to fetch a get request with the minimum amount of code required. In the second one, we’ll make a function that can make any generic HTTP request, can send headers and checks for a seccesfull response before calling the provided calback function.

Code Snippets Browser Local Storage

Javascript Browser Local Storage

In this code snippet, we’ll learn how to access the browser local storage with Javascript. If you have the need to store the users data locally on their browser you can utilize session or local storage. Session storage will store data until the window is closed meanwhile local storage will keep the data even after the browser is closed. Other than that they are the same.

Code Snippets Cookies

Javascript Cookies

In this code snippet, we’ll learn how to add/get cookies with Javascript. Cookies allow a website to store information about a user in the browser. This way if the site refreshes or the user leaves and comes back later the data can be preserved. Cookies also get sent along with requests to the server. A server can give the browser a session cookie after the user logs in. This way every time the user sends something to the server it can just check for a valid session to make sure the user is authorized to perform a certain action.

Code Snippets Timer

Javascript Timer

In this code snippet, we’ll learn how to use timers in Javascript. Timers can be used to execute code at certain intervals. When we make a timer we need to specify the function that will be called on each tick and the interval length in milliseconds. We’ll also take a look at delays which opposed to timers only run

Code Snippets Browser Object Model

Javascript Browser Object Model

In this code snippet, we’ll learn how to access the browser object model(BOM) with Javascript. We can use the BOM to interact with the browser itself and get information like screen resolution, window size, OS, language, … We can also open/close windows/tabs, navigate back/forward in history.

Code Snippets jQuery

Javascript jQuery

jQuery is a library that makes working with javascript a bit easier and quicker. It’s not as popular or needed these days because of all the js frameworks. But it’s still present on a lot of older code. Also, I think it’s useful if you are making a smaller project and don’t need the features and complexity of a js framework.

Code Snippets AsyncAwait And Promises

Javascript Async/Await And Promises

In this code snippet, we’ll learn about async/await and promises in Javascript. Promises allow us to execute code asynchronously. When we make a promise we define what code it will execute. When it’s done the then() function is used to execute any further code(process results from the promise). Async and await keywords make working with promises easier. If any value is returned from an async function it will be returned as a promise which can be awaited with the await keyword.

Code Snippets Callbacks

Javascript Callbacks

In this code snippet, we’ll learn about callbacks in Javascript. Callbacks are nothing more than function pointers passed as an argument into another function to be then called from within that function. This example might seem a bit useless but the concept of callbacks becomes much more useful when we start dealing with asynchronous behavior. Like for example when making an API call.

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