In this post, I’ll show you a handheld induction heater I made. I bought the ZVS driver circuit board and coil quite some time ago but I just recently saw someone made a very neat 3d printed case for it on thingiverse and decided to make a handheld induction heater out of it. This one is smaller and much less bulky than the other one I made wrote about in this post.
It can be powered with a voltage of anywhere from 5 to 12 volts. I powered it using a DIY bench power supply I made from an old PC PSU. The circuit used to drive the coil is actually a ZVS driver. I already made a blog post where I made my own and used it to power a flyback transformer. The wiring for powering an induction heater would be just a bit different. Instead of attaching a flyback transformer to the output you attach the coil and connect the big inductor to the positive side of the output instead of the midpoint on the primary coil of the flyback.
Hardware used:
- #adAmazon LinkZVS Driver And Coil
Note: Power supplies have a capacitor bank on the output which means that when you switch them on the voltage will slowly rise from 0V to the set output voltage. The problem is ZVS drivers have to be switched on very fast to prevent both transistors from turning on at the same time. This is why you first need to turn on the power supply and only then connect the ZVS driver.