C# Enumerations

C# Code Snippets Enumerations


In this code snippet, we will see how to use enumerations in C#.

An enum is a data type. To create an enumeration you have to give it a name and define a list of constants that will be available when that enumeration is referenced.

In this code example, we will simulate a key being pressed. The getKey() method will return the key that was pressed. We could just return a string like so “left“. But making an enum with predefined values is much less error-prone than using a string. A misspelled string won’t get caught at compile time meanwhile if you misspell or chose a nonexisting enum an error will occur at compile time. 

Let’s have a look at the code below.


using System;

namespace Enumeration
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Simulate the key being pressesd.
            KeyPressed key = getKey();

            //Check what key was pressed.


        public static void showPressedKey(KeyPressed key)
            //If we are unsure what type of enum was given to us we can use this useful bit of code 
            //to check weather a certain value is defined in our enum type.      
            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(KeyPressed), key))
                //If so this code executes.
                if (KeyPressed.up == key)
                    Console.WriteLine("The up arrow key was pressed.");
                else if (KeyPressed.down == key)
                    Console.WriteLine("The down arrow key was pressed.");
                else if (KeyPressed.left == key)
                    Console.WriteLine("The left arrow key was pressed.");
                else if (KeyPressed.right == key)
                    Console.WriteLine("The right arrow key was pressed.");
                //Otherwise tell us that the key is undefined.
                Console.WriteLine("Undefined key!");

        public static KeyPressed getKey()
            return KeyPressed.left;

        //Define the enum and all it's possible values. 
        public enum KeyPressed

Resulting output:


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