In this code snippet, we’ll find out how to use lists in C#.
Lists are similar to arrays, but unlike arrays, they are more flexible. You can add and remove items from lists without having to make a new list and destroying the entire old one every time you add or remove an element. Also, lists have a lot of useful methods such as find(), exists(), sort(), … You can use intellisense in Visual Studio to explore all the methods available.
Now let’s look at the code example to see how to use lists.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace List { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //Create list. //List<(data type)> (list name) List<MyClass> myList = new List<MyClass>(); //Add a few items to the list. myList.Add(new MyClass("1")); myList.Add(new MyClass("2")); myList.Add(new MyClass("3")); Console.WriteLine("Items in list:"); Console.WriteLine(""); //Show items in list. showListItems(myList); Console.WriteLine("Removing item from list."); Console.WriteLine(""); //Remove item from list myList.RemoveAt(1); Console.WriteLine("Items in list after removal:"); Console.WriteLine(""); //Other things you can do with lists. //myList.Reverse(); //Reverses order. //myList.Count(); //Gets size of list. //myList.Sort(); //Sorts items in list. //Show items in list. showListItems(myList); Console.ReadLine(); } public static void showListItems(List<MyClass> myList) { //Access items from list. foreach (var item in myList) { Console.WriteLine(item.Text); } Console.WriteLine(""); } } class MyClass { public MyClass(string text) { Text = text; } public string Text { get; set; } } }