C# Operator Overloading

C# Code Snippets Operator Overloading


In this code snippet, we will take a look at operator overloading in C#.

Just like methodsoperators can be overloaded too. In the code below we have an example with geometric shapes. If we use the + operator on two objects of GeomentricShapes we get an error. This happens because the compiler doesn’t know what is supposed to happen when the  operator is used on a GeomentricShapes object. We have to overload the operator and write the code to be executed when two GeomentricShapes objects are added together. 

Let’s look at the code example below to see how to overload operators.


using System;

namespace OperatorOverloading
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Square square1 = new Square(15, 20);
            Square square2 = new Square(33, 8);

            Console.WriteLine("Square 1 Area: " + square1.Area);
            Console.WriteLine("Square 1 Circumference: " + square1.Circumference);

            Console.WriteLine("Square 2 Area: " + square2.Area);
            Console.WriteLine("Square 2 Circumference: " + square2.Circumference);

            GeometricShapes geoShape = square1 + square2;
            Console.WriteLine("Total Area 1: " + geoShape.Area);
            Console.WriteLine("Total Circumference 1: " + geoShape.Circumference);

            GeometricShapes geoShape2 = square1 - square2;
            Console.WriteLine("Total Area 2: " + geoShape2.Area);
            Console.WriteLine("Total Circumference 2: " + geoShape2.Circumference);


    class GeometricShapes
        public double Area { get; set; }
        public double Circumference { get; set; }

        public GeometricShapes()


        public GeometricShapes(double area, double circumference)
            this.Area = area;
            this.Circumference = circumference;

        //Operator overloading.
        public static GeometricShapes operator +(GeometricShapes shape1, GeometricShapes shape2)
            //Here we define what happens when the + operator will be used on a GeometricShapes instance. 
            return new GeometricShapes((shape1.Area + shape2.Area), (shape1.Circumference + shape2.Circumference));

        public static GeometricShapes operator -(GeometricShapes shape1, GeometricShapes shape2)
            //Here we define what happens when the - operator will be used on a GeometricShapes instance. 
            return new GeometricShapes(Math.Abs(shape1.Area - shape2.Area), Math.Abs(shape1.Circumference - shape2.Circumference));

    class Square : GeometricShapes
        public double SideA { get; set; }
        public double SideB { get; set; }

        public Square(double sideA, double sideB)
            this.SideA = sideA;
            this.SideB = SideB;

            this.Area = sideA * sideB;
            this.Circumference = (sideA * 2) + (sideB * 2);

Resulting output:


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