

C# Code Snippets IEnumerable IEnumerator and Yield

C# IEnumerable and IEnumerator

In this tutorial, we will take a look at the IEnumerator and IEnumerable in C#. Making an object enumerable will allow us to iterate over it with something like the…
C# Code Snippets JSON Serialization

C# JSON Serialization

In this tutorial, we will learn about JSON serialization in C#. Serialization is when you take an object and convert it to a stream of bytes that can be then…
C# Code Snippets Binary Serialization

C# Binary Serialization

In this tutorial, we will learn about binary serialization in C#. Serialization is when you take an object and convert it to a stream of bytes that can be then stored…
C# Code Snippets XML Serialization

C# XML Serialization

In this tutorial, we will learn how to do XML serialization in C#. Serialization is when you take an object and convert it to a stream of bytes that can…
C# Code Snippets as operator

C# as Operator

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the as operator in C#. The as operator is used to cast objects into different types. It is similar to the is operator. They…
C# Code Snippets is operator

C# is Operator

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the is operator in C#. The is operator is very similar to the as operator. They can both be used to check if an object is of…
C# Code Snippets_ Constants

C# Constants

In this tutorial, we will learn about constants in C#. A constant is a variable that is marked with the const keyword. Such a variable can only have its value…
C# Code Snippets Conversion Operator Overloading

C# Conversion Operator Overloading

In this code snippet, we will take a look at conversion operator overloading in C#. Conversion operators can be overloaded just like regular operators. This is useful when you want to be able…
C# Code Snippets Reflection

C# Reflection

In this code snippet, we will take a look at reflection in C#. Reflection is used to get metadata(information) about an object at runtime. We can get members(properties, methods) of objects…

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