

arduino cpu and ram display

Sending multiple values over serial to Arduino

This is a tutorial on how to send/receive multiple values at once over the serial port with an Arduino…
windows 10 IOT respberry pi bootscreen

Windows 10 IOT Install on The Raspberry Pi 3

This is a tutorial on installing Windows 10 IOT on a Raspberry Pi 3…
Windows app C# Arduino control over serial port

Windows C# app Arduino control over serial port

We will be using Visual Studio to make a Windows Forms Application that will communicate with the Arduino over a serial port and switch an LED on or off…
arduino oled display ssd1306 u8glib

Arduino I2C OLED screen tutorial using U8Glib

This tutorial covers how to connect an SSD1306 OLED screen to an Arduino Nano over I2C and display text on it using U8Glib…
arduino I2C SSD1306 OLED screen tutorial

Arduino I2C SSD1306 OLED screen tutorial

This tutorial covers how to connect an SSD1306 OLED screen to an Arduino Nano over I2C and display text on it…
Malware On USB Flash Drives From China

Malware On USB Flash Drives From China

Some time ago I bought a USB flash drive online from China. When I plugged it into my PC Windows Defender detected that malware(seems like a crypto miner) was present…
vs code adding gps to cleanflight

Adding GPS back to Cleanflight for F3 flight controllers 🚁

In this post, we’ll take a look at how to add/remove features from Cleanflight/Beatflight. In this instance, we’ll be adding GPS support back to Cleanflight for F3 flight controllers…
cleanflight betaflight custom firmware

Compiling Betaflight/Cleanflight firmware for your multirotor

In this tutorial, we ‘ll compile our own Cleanflight/Betaflight firmware. This is useful if you modify the firmware and compile a custom version of it…
GUI remote login wsl kali linux

WSL GUI Installation for Kali Linux

This tutorial covers the installation of a GUI for Kali Linux running on WSL(Windows subsystem for Linux)…

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