In this code snippet, we’ll learn how to work with strings in PHP.
More specifically we’ll learn how to concatenate(join) strings, trim white spaces, make a string lower or upper case, get its length, check if it contains a substring and get its position, replace a substring, remove tags and slashes, split a string into an array on a specific character and join a string array back into a string.
Note: I covered just the string functions I found myself using the most. Here is the full list of string functions.
Let’s see the example code below.
<?php //Concatenate strings with the . operator. $myString = "Hello" . "" . "World! "; //Trims whitespace. echo "String length: " . trim($myString); echo "<br>"; //Makes string lowercase. echo "String to lower case: " . strtolower($myString); echo "<br>"; //Makes string uppercase. echo "String to upper case: " . strtoupper($myString); echo "<br>"; //Get string length. echo "String length: " . strlen($myString); echo "<br>"; //Checks if a string contains a substring. echo "Contains 'World': " . str_contains($myString, "World"); echo "<br>"; //Gets position of the first substring. echo "Position of 'World': " . stripos($myString, "World"); echo "<br>"; //Replace substring. echo "Replace 'Hello': " . str_replace("Hello", "Goodbye", $myString); echo "<br>"; //Removes slashes from string. echo "Strip slashes: " . stripslashes("File\Name.txt"); echo "<br>"; //Removes tags from string. echo "Remove tags: " . strip_tags("<h1>Hello World!</h1>"); echo "<br>"; //Split string into an array of strigs on a certain character. $charArray = explode(" ", $myString); echo "Explode: "; echo "<pre>"; print_r($charArray); echo "</pre>"; echo "<br>"; //Makes string from a string array. echo "Implode: " . implode($charArray);